Read the comments

Go see the Embedded Blog of Joe Janson aKa TheTrap. He blogs and comments every one of my post.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Les tartes politicly-correct

Ça commence par une demande d'information auprès de TheTrap sur un produit dont il m'avait glissé un mot. Les "S-PIPE" *prononciation anglaise*. Les "S-PIPE" étant un bout de tuyaux fictif que je venais d'inventer par mégarde en voulant désigner SPIP de PHP. Je ne savais pas comment l'écrire puisque nous en avions discuter seulement de vives voix.

Le lendemain je voulais plus d'info, par courriel, je lui en fait la demande. C'est alors qu'il ce met a virer le Net à l'envers, ce branche sur tous les réseaux de fibres optiques, pour me trouver de l'info sur le fameux bout de tuyaux haute performance pour mon/son véhicule. Il m'explique ça mésaventure, on rigole, on vomit et je le relance à la blague sur le "P-CHAFF". Ben croyez le ou non, il existe de l'information sur le sujet. Bizarrement sur le site de TheTrap ;). Abasourdi je lui envoie un second courriel:

-Je voulais dire Pie Chart... pas P-Chaff ;). My mistake. Maintenant as-tu ça, un TorcCam?"

Effectivement, les mots inventés, nous n'y verrons pas de fin mais voilà où je veux en venir. Il m'envoie un courriel pour me dire : -"Je me fout des Pie-Chart, moi je trippe ben fort sur le P-CHAFF." Sa m'a fait réfléchir. Se fou-t-on (faites-moi une phrase avec futon), vraiment des graphiques à pointes de tartes. Réalisons-nous vraiment leur impacte sur nos moeurs? Attention peuple, voici:

Qu'en on y pense, pratiquement tous les secteurs se base sur des statistiques pour donner du poids à ses arguments pour appuyer leurs actions. En politique, en environnement, sur les pompes à la station d'essence! Ces statistiques sont le fruit de recherches et servent à nous démontrer visuellement l'importance de ces chiffres. Ce qui est aberrant, c'est que souvent ces recherches statistiques avantage ceux qui paient pour la recherche. Ces graphiques servent la cause du marketing publicitaire.

Mon point, faites attention à la provenance de ces outils de la représentation de l'intangible. Ne laisser pas altérer votre jugement par des statistiques et probabilités douteuses. Rester lucide.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hockey Night

Voici officiellement mon premier Blog Français. Selon mon stats analyser la plupart des gens qui visitent mon site sont français. Le monde semble gêné de laisser des commentaires en français. J'ai décidé de briser la glace. Mon blog a toujours été bilingue mais je n'avais pas montré l'exemple. Alors pour vous mes peureux sans initiatives. J'espère que vous aller laisser des commentaires!

Samedi, 19hre PM Centre Bell.

J'étais là! Pour la première fois de ma vie j'ai assisté à un match de hockey professionnel. Je dois admettre qu'il était temps. Des billets qui mon été donné, évidement, comme sûrement la plupart de ceux qui y était. À 115$ les billets ça fait de beau cadeau. Donc, me vlà un vrai FAN des canadiens. Tatoué de la bedaine, visage coloré me voici près à assister à un match des *grosse voix* "Montreal Canadien". Nous avons été servi, moi et Gen.

Je vous épargne le match mais imaginez, 22 000 âmes debout pour une série de lancés francs suite à un match en prolongation, égalisé dans les dernières minutes du jeu. Vous pouvez soustraire 298 personnes qui étaient partisans de Toronto. 298 belles cibles pour ma fronde à hot-dog ketchup moutarde à 9,50$ chacun que j'ai finalement dédié à la grosse, pas en nombre, famille d'hyperactif Inuit assit à l'avant et aux deux gérantEs (notez bien gérantes) d'estrade assis à l'arrière qui lançait des injures aux joueurs mais dont seulement le public voisin, en l'occurrence nous, devait subir.

D'ailleurs dans un élan d'émotion, justifié j'imagine, ils ont déclaré à leur chaste public: "On est peut-être pas blonde mais on suce en CR**S".

Toute une soirée que je vais raconté encore et encore. En l'améliorant évidement.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Brainstorm / Brainwash

Wednesday I assisted to a conference on recognition. A two hours non-stop speach. It was givin by Serge Marquis. He was very good. He express himself and expose his subject in a very entertainement kind of way. I have to say it was boring, I hate this kind of thing but the guy brings up a couple of good ideas to think about. I thought I might write about it, At least I will not have suffered for nothing and it will give meaning to that guy job.

He made me realize what we all already know, as often in this kind of meeting. His subject was clear and we learned nothing new. A lot of the new mental disease we might suffer one day is because of our life rhythm, pressure and stress. If you can train yourself to: relax in every little situation, pause yourself, ask yourself if the problem you are experiencing right now is a real one and adopt a more human oriented approach, you might live older and healthier. One easy way to help that is by seeing what people do for you and how much they are valuable to you in their day to day care. In this line of idea:

Thank you to all my readers! Don't forget to live in the present!
I admit it I am completely brainwashed. It will last a couple of days and after that will see. I am still sorry t about the fact that somewhere there is a guy that makes money with problems that, us as a society, should not even speak about.
Spread the word. Help your neighbor.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Monster in a Closet

I got a call from The Trap telling me that I was neglecting my blog. So I lift my ass from my chair to sit into another one.

Did you see the new DELL XPSM2010. What a monster, a 20 inches screen on a laptop, it's insane! Go see this true and funny review. Soon desktop computers will disappear. Wireless and portability will be everywhere needed and assumed.

I take a couple of lines to comment the last intervention of TheTrap on my last post. There's people out there that think they deserve everything when they pay for something. The thing is you got what you pay for. You CAN'T HAVE A PROFESSIONEL WEB SITE for an hundred buck or two. Every new years eve when you work “in computer” like they say, they think you known everything related to computer. I'll stop there. People, don't worry, we will do our best to help you, it's a professional behavior. If we don't find your problem or doesn't want to do the job. Please understand ;).

Now let's talk like real man! Let's talk about Sport. Now that Schumacher is out, let's see if the formula one will regain popularity. Ferrari was so hot, they removed all the challenged for a couple of years. We all ate this supposedly stupid Pilot who had try to smashed our Jacques Villeneuve. Soon enough we will forget about his bad “move” and remember his win and career high. That's what is cool about being human. We try to avoid to feel bad.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Net addiction

Go check this out, and see if you "passed" the test of Net Addiction. I got 36, means that I am like an average user of the net. Phew! I was scare to be classed as "Addicted" but my habits seem normal in our modern live. It's might be my love of it that might be insane but there were no test to passed for that kind of mental disorder.

It's been a long time since I got the feeling of the "Need", the "FIX". When you are somewhere else and all you think is about the next time you will log-on. Of course, I still got mood. For now, I am into Need for Speed: Most Wanted (I want to beat the crap out of this Lambo!). My other love goes to All-Madden 2007.

Like TheTrap, I remembered myself dreaming about Tetris. Suffer from insomnia because of simulation of "blocks dropping" when my eyes shut. Tetris is simple, mathematic and go right into your brain roots. It's like chess; you have to calculate the best move under time pressure and the actual position by anticipating the next move. It's immersive. Like crack, like adrenaline.

Enjoy what you need, everybody have his fix.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Another Blog to Dust. Net evolution

I am hook to my own blog. Partially, because of the good comments made by TheTrap. I check my blog about ten times a day just to see if there is new comments. Drafting on subject I may publish and preserving my text for later. I got four or five of them in production.

I already have another blog for my professional doing (Judge.NET) based on what I worked or whatever I discovered. Like a good old “.Plan” file like “All Star” programmers used to have.

I was wondering if I really needed this new laptop I just bought! Man, what a great toy it is. With that computer, I can blog every where! Even squat at the Starbuck, drink a cold coffee for hours and write, write, write. With all the miniaturization, laptop can have the power of a desktop with the portability of my wallet.

I am here watching, football (NE vs BUF... Go Pats Go) and feeling good sitting in front of my TV. Because even there I can be productive. Today in “La Presse” I saw an article about obesity, funny, I wrote about it in my last article.

It's look like I rediscover the Internet with all those new Sites based on “Web 2.0” concept, forgetting about the poor people using 56k modem. YouTube using only videos, with live update without reload, word processing and spreadsheets online. It's amazing how the Net has evolved since last years. A couple of year ago, asking to somebody if he got access to the Net was normal. The Net is now use to complement the every day life. Everything is connected. I can't wait to the time we will elect the new Prime Minister from home.

World is changing so fast. It's fractal, every generation seems to have is “All have to be done” movement. A while ago it was about industrialization. For us it's gonna be the Internet. We must capitalize from it. Google is already doing It, but there is still place for us.

They already talking about Wireless City, offering the Web for free. The Net is and will become like the Phone or the electricity is, an essential service that everybody deserve.

Friday, October 20, 2006


There is a two or three... ok maybe ten things i can't stand. There's the "Cabane a sucre", "Poor people doing bad thing" and "People who doesn’t care about there health". It’s all good subjects to blog about but for today I will take my favorite.

Ok I admit it. I must consult, because my phobia for big guy is, in my case, a mental disorder. It's not the first time that I talk or write about it and every time it’s pissed me off. One thing I don't understand is how you become fat. Come on people! It’s not cool to wear XXL for a shirt even if it’s the same number as the Super bowl. We can punch you and then run away, go back punching you and run away again cause you move like my old aunt. More then that, people are laughing about you!

I mean when you start gaining weight there must be a time when you realize in front of the mirror:"Oh shit, why does my arms are stitch to a barrel. Maybe I should think about doing something?" It's not only about getting laid more then once a month because that's all the money you can spend; usually you do it for free in my world. It's about you're health.

Is there something more useful than that? If you say television you may be the one who I am talking to. It's a vicious circle. More fat you have more difficult it's going to be to loose it. It's funny, in a gym you don't see fat people.

There are two things that make you fat. First, you eat shit. Second, you are LAZY: lazy to exercise, lazy about kicking your ass to go outside, lazy about cooking good food with vegetable. A lot of vegetable. Some may start to say... and what about fish! Yeah, that's the new “wave”, but fish stink. If you don’t care, eat a lot of it. I have work to do before eating that stuff. I don't like to write that cause now my mother will known that she was right and win. But it's true.

All the others saying, about big bone or hormone is all shit. About 2% of the population is fat because of health problem. Sitting in front of a monitor all day long at work for coming home eating and watching TV it's not a living. I have a cat who do about the same but still able to lick his butt.

The Human body his made to exercise, maybe just as 20min a day can make the difference. I am not talking about mimic Jake “the Snake” Robert but to be able to take three steps without an oxygen tank. Stay away from load of chips, junk and fast food. You CAN’T USE THAT CRAP FOR MEAL. Fat people eating fat, it's nothing to help you. I am not saying about banning it, but stay away from it. Trade fries for salads. Don't worry junk food lover, you will have more then one occasions to eat your favorite plate. Stand for what you believe, stay strong.
I known people, I was hard on you with this post. But like my mother use to say, it's for your own good, it’s for your health.
Oh... And don't forget your Omega-3. Fact or Marketing... that's another debate.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why blogging in English.

I have to answer a concern that seems to bother some folks. Why do I blog in English when I am a native and every day French speaker? I am a French Canadian. I'll explain…

First of all, English is international. I think I may reach a larger public that way. I might be the only one who read my blog, but its make me feel good that I might reach people and share my thought and discuss about it. I am not blogging about my personal doing or feeling. My blog is not a diary. I see my blog more like an editorial to react about event, news or comments I saw or read.

Writing is my mind work out. Sitting and thinking about every word I put on paper takes time and required processing. Changing a word there, a sentence here or punctuation up here to tune my text, asks for concentration. All of that makes the exercise as much truer when you are writing in a secondary language. One time I heard about international wine competitors required to express their thoughts on wine product in a language other then their native one. This way the Organisation make sure that every participant are on approximately the same level of ease. I thought it was a beautiful and legit idea. I try to exercise my mind once a day. Go see Joe Janson's comment on "WoW" to see where I find the time to think about my blogging subjects. Remember, I am working in front of a computer screen all day long to ;). I always have an open notepad to sketch my none-work related idea.

My blog enable me to practice my English writing, something that I am not use to in my every day tasks. My text might not be errors free or with rich sentences or vocabulary but I aspire to become better at it. I hope! We don't have to be shy of making mistakes if it's to improve ourselves. Btw, there a lot of tools for word processing that can help you do it. (

Try it yourself you will see.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New drugs, World of Warcraft (WoW),

Go read this article about WoW :
Been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Not with WoW but with some others games like: Diablo, Starcraft, Counter-Strike... name it. I used to be a Hardcore gamer.

That's why I fear to play this game. That's why I try to resists. I am like and as been smoker haunted by the temptation. I known, I said the same about "Blogging" but the difference is there is money involved to. Story like that goes by hundred. It's like "Crack". Remember -Everquest-, every one? I never played that king of MMORPG but known who did it.

Who never hear about Asian guy dying for none stop playing? Dancing so much that there heart explodes? Ok I never heard about explosion cause by gaming, but Murphy’s Law…

Whatever you do, there will be excess, you can’t stop that. But you may help those people. Everybody might go down the barrel, but for the majority it’s going to be for a really short period of time. Sometimes we evade ourselves, but the problem come when your involvement start to reach you in others aspect of your life. When it’s happening it’s might be because you have gone too far.

Watch yourself people, and have Fun. Gaming IS FUN.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Do i love google that much! You have no idea!

Google investment into secondary Energy that's business... not always with an evil mind but with surely a twist to make money! Whatever it is for the environment or cash, it's all for green stuff! They don't do that kind of move for peanuts. For whatever reasons they doing it, if it can give a kick in the butt to those thinking to make a move forward, let it go! Now, The Net is not the only domains Google is seeking. They aim for advance Technologies. They want to diversify. A lot of the new Web design we see is because of investment made by giant like Microsoft, Google, Intel, etc. With all the money they have they must reinvest in the society. Science is everywhere. Humans need to be assist with tools, and the more sophisticated the tools are the more the Humans evolve.

What's next, Google printing is own currency. Just for the fun to see how much deeper, fan like me, can sink. You have no idea how far I am ready to go deep in it ;). I'll go to hell with you Larry, just to use your latest project or have a glimpse of "Web 3.0". We all known there is not a day without a Google announcement.

We Love You Google! ;) I can't think of a day without using you. Until a couple of other Geeks, coming out of there closet with a brand new tech, revolutionize the world of transportation / Communication. Cause at the end we use transportation to communicate. Transportation is an "old school" way of doing it. I might use this subject for another blog. Until then, for a couple of years to come, I am still going to have to "Mustang GT roll" to see you people ;)

Have Fun!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Second Tought-Blog about BlogS

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Friday, October 13, 2006

My first ever blog


This is my first blog! I used to read Fingers or .Plan file from coders. I resisted as long as i can to the temptation of blogging. I dont like to "fellow" people. I prefer to explore my own avenue. But With the "Web 2.0" technologie and all those new "web application", i said to myself, Why not! Anyway blogging is like the new wave of the Net.

Before, to post on the Net, was a bit of work , not freely and easely available to people. But with those new site who integrate "text and posting engine" and all the tools with "blogging option". It's like stealing a candy from behing the back of a baby ?!?

Ill try just to have a feel of this big community. I am myself a "web programmer" so i must stay on top of the Tech if i want to develop thing that are "ergonomic".

But on a second thought. There is so many blogger out there, why will people would come and read my blog. Im a nobody, not even the new kind of superstar, i mean a "SuperNetStar". Maybe there is something in this world that i don't understand. But i will seek to understand it.

I must admit it is Beautiful! This site is Easy to use and Google is doing a great job for keeping the tools intuitive and complete. I am a big fan of Google. I try to use the most of all their services they offers.

Anyway, i think it's enough for my first blog. But it's for sure not my last experience cause i'm still fooling around with all the feature that's available. I don't even known if i will continue blogging in english or in french... will see!

See ya